Feel Stuck In Your Position? How To Make Yourself A More Appealing Management Candidate


Although you might be satisfied with your job overall, you might fear that you will never be able to move up the ladder to a higher-paying position. For example, you might dream of one day becoming a member of management but might think that you'll be stuck in the same job forever. Luckily, there are a few things that you can do to make yourself a more appealing management candidate. Try these tips, and you might be surprised by the opportunities that you will open up for yourself.

Go Back to School

When you graduated from college, you might have assumed that you would never go back to school again. However, there is no such thing as being too educated, and going back to school could be just the upper edge that you need to move into a management position. You don't necessarily have to go for a master's degree or anything if you don't want to. However, taking classes related to your industry can help refresh your memory and help keep you up-to-date. Taking business management courses can also give you the education that you need to move into a management position and work as a member of management successfully, and it can be enough to show your employer that you're serious about this type of promotion as well.

Develop Mentor-Like Relationships

Mentor relationships can be helpful for you and others in the office. Don't be afraid to work alongside members of management or others who have been working in your company or industry longer than you have; you might learn more than you think. Also, don't be afraid to mentor new employees; this can help them get their footing in the new job and can show your boss that you are a capable adviser.

Sell Yourself

Don't be too shy about selling yourself as a good management candidate. Make sure that your boss knows about it when you're a big part of a successful project. Update your resume regularly to highlight your achievements, and turn in an updated copy to your boss. Schedule a meeting with your boss to talk about your accomplishments and your goals within the company, such as moving up to a higher position or earning a pay raise. Your employer will see that you are taking action and will possibly keep you in mind for future openings, and your employer can give you feedback about what you need to do to move up within the company.

You don't have to be stuck in the same position forever. If you have goals of moving up into a management position, following these tips can help you achieve these goals.


12 October 2015

answers to your questions about college

College is an expense that typically pays off. If you take the right courses, you can find a career that you enjoy and can earn a decent living from. But, how do you know what courses to take? Will going to one college give you a better leg up than going to another? I had so many questions about college that I had to find the answers to before I could decide which colleges to even apply to. This blog contains the answers to all of the questions that I had to find before I could take the next step in going to college.